HERBAROM, a range of plant extracts to integrate within the composition of your flavourings and drinks

Botanical extracts

Discover a wide range of standard ingredients or specific developments to meet your requirements in terms of quality, sensory characteristics and stability for the formulation of your flavourings.

picto herbarom laboratoire huile essentielle

Since its creation, HERBAROM has offered botanical extracts to players in the food industry, particularly flavourists, manufacturers of beverages and nutritional products and formulators of food supplements.

We offer a wide range of ingredients that can be integrated into these markets: 

Essential oils

Our pure and natural essential oils are the result of traditional extraction techniques. They are the perfect allies in the composition of your natural flavourings.

LET YOURSELF BE INSPIRED BY A WIDE RANGE OF QUALITY AND CERTIFIED-ORGANIC ESSENTIAL OILS including essential oils of bergamot, lemon, roman chamomile, ginger, lemon balm, thyme and more.

Aromatic substances

Our aromatic substances are purified molecules of natural or synthetic origin. Like essential oils, their active ingredients are highly concentrated.

TWO EMBLEMATORY REFERENCES FROM OUR AROMATIC SUBSTANCES, lovage and lavender, Herbarom speciality plants.

Liquid extracts

Our liquid extracts are obtained by maceration or extraction with a solvent (water, oil, alcohol, etc.).

FIND THE SOLUTION THAT'S RIGHT FOR YOU IN OUR LIQUID EXTRACTS, flavoured oils, oily macerates, fluid and aqueous extracts range.

Huiles dégustation parfumées

Our huiles de dégustation parfumées sont le résultat de la maîtrise de la technique d'enfleurage depuis plus de 20 ans.
Il s'agit d'une méthode ancestrale de macération de plantes fraîches dans l’huile utilisée en parfumerie.

DÉCOUVREZ NOS 6 RÉFÉRENCES HISTORIQUES, Basilic, Ail doux, Citron & Gingembre, Piments d’Espelette, Baies roses, Provence, ainsi que nos nouvelles saveurs, …

Speciality extracts and plants

Fort de notre expertise sur les filières cultures et les techniques d’extraction végétale traditionnelles, nous avons développé un savoir-faire spécifique sur 3 plantes que nous travaillons depuis de nombreuses années : la carotte, la livèche et le persil.

We guarantee the traceability and controlled sourcing of our ingredients. Our R&D and industrial teams can also develop specific qualities of extracts to be sustainably integrated within your formulations. 


The seed of this plant is distilled in order to obtain the essential oil.


The seed of this plant is distilled in order to obtain the essential oil.
The uses of parsley


The root and leaf of this plant are distilled. Several types of extracts are obtained: essential oil, aromatic substance, the concrete and the absolute.

Facing growing demand for healthier food products, with a clear preference for natural products, as well as the evolution of demand in terms of transparency regarding the origin of ingredients, botanical extracts are now indispensable and offer a host of opportunities for product development.



We'd love to hear from you. Our sales teams will be delighted to discuss this with you. 

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