HERBAROM, French specialist in plant solutions and ingredients for animal feed

Agriculture & Animal Nutrition

Nearly 50% of French territory today is used as agricultural land.
In France, 145,000 of 390,000 farms are dedicated to livestock.

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Beyond feeding the planet, today, agriculture faces new major challenges, such as food sovereignty, animal and human health and environmental issues.

The multiplying health crises observed around the world have led to a global awareness of the impact of the products we consume on our own health. As a result, more and more consumers today are convinced of the need to return to a more natural diet. 

At Herbarom, our belief in the interdependencies between human health, animal welfare and the sustainability of ecosystems, combined with our knowledge of plant benefits, naturally led us to the animal-feed market more than 15 years ago.

Discover our range of high-quality natural ingredients and our ability to develop tailor-made plant solutions that perfectly meet your specifications.

Our expertise in human health at the service of animal feed

As with human welfare, the issues of animal welfare are equally complex.
Faced with the phenomena of antibiotic resistance, consumers are also seeking to limit their direct or indirect consumption of antibiotics and are looking for increased naturalness and quality.

This trend towards demedication, coupled with regulatory changes, has resulted in an evolution of practices and the search for more natural alternatives.
These practices must of course be established taking into account the problems of farmers' productivity and profitability. This therefore requires commitment and expertise from each player in the animal-nutrition sector.

En tant que pionnier dans l’extraction végétale et de la distillation des plantes et fabricant d’ingrédients végétaux depuis 30 ans, nous avons acquis une solide connaissance des bénéfices des plantes mise au service de la santé humaine dans un premier temps, puis de l’alimentation animale.

Whether you are a service company, a pre-mixer, a distributor, a food factory or an integrator, we want to be at your side in the success of your animal-nutrition project, both in the selection of natural ingredients and in the formulation of your custom product.

Choosing HERBAROM solutions for your animal-feed solutions means choosing a historical French expert in plant extraction and distillation, guaranteeing control of the entire supply chain and compliance with current regulations.


The main challenges of the use of plant ingredients in animal feed

Animal feed plays a key role in animal husbandry. It must be carefully managed to ensure the optimisation of each stage of the animal's growth, from weaning to adulthood.

Solutions must be provided to farmers, responding to the major challenges of animal welfare:

Animals are highly sensitive to food smells and tastes. Improving the appeal of the feed is therefore a real challenge in ensuring good food intake.

The use of plant-based ingredients can be useful in masking the unpleasant taste of certain nutritional compounds and improving the flavour profile of foods.

They can also improve the digestibility of food and therefore the efficiency of the feed.

Reducing stress among animals contributes to improving their general condition and optimising breeding and production conditions, by keeping animals healthy.

This benefits the entire food chain: animals, farmers and consumers.

It also offers the guarantee of a quality product of animal origin.

To support you in this process, we market various forms of plant extracts for animal nutrition, capable of adapting perfectly to your needs.
We have a complete range of essential oils, aromatic substances, liquid extracts and plant powders, in both conventional version or adapted to use in organic farming.
All this, with the guarantee of compliance with technical and regulatory requirements.

Develop tailor-made plant solutions for efficient animal feed

Why turn to an expert in custom plant solutions?

You'll be able to benefit from the following expertise:

  • Technical : plant control, sourcing and regulation
  • Economic : profitability, outsourcing of infrastructure and related costs
  • Commercial : innovation, choice of packaging, etc.

Turning to an expert business partner will allow you to benefit from an alliance of skills to co-create a 100% tailor-made product, meeting the needs of the market and complying with your specifications.

At HERBAROM, we have mastered the entire process of developing tailor-made solutions. Whether in the cultivation, sourcing, extraction, formulation, regulatory support, development or industrial implementation of your products, we act in each phase of your project for animal nutrition and, more broadly, animal welfare.

Our in-house animal-nutrition experts study and develop specific formulations for you, while ensuring the technical and regulatory aspect of your project. 

As a committed player in animal nutrition, we are a member of Afca-Cial, the Association of Supplements Manufacturers and Suppliers of Additives and Functional Ingredients for Animal Nutrition.

We are also FCA (Feed Chain Alliance) certified, which requires:

  • The implementation of an HACCP approach (good manufacturing practices to control food risk)
  • Compliance with animal regulations
  • The implementation of an analytical control plan (heavy metals, dioxins, etc.) and specific requirements: ensuring the absence of cross-contamination, etc.
  • Certification of the entire sector: all players must therefore be certified in animal feed
logo afac cial
Logo Feed Chain Alliance

Our goal? 

To work with you to build the right solution to meet your business objective thanks to our know-how and unique comprehensive support, based on co-construction and tailor-made solutions. 

Do you have a project?


We'd love to hear from you. Our sales teams will be delighted to discuss this with you. 

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