Our vision

To create differentiation and performance for our customers

Our vision is to make our industrial group independent, even stronger and essential in its fields and a creator of differentiation and performance for its customers, based on strong values shared by the people who work with us every day.

We believe that the quest for well-being, balance and natural products expressed by consumers in recent years brings us together: industrialists, producers and laboratories. This return to the natural, the local and the terroir is an opportunity to explore new industrial solutions that are more conscious, respectful of the environment and sustainable, in order to manage each resource.

Our values

shared from our group’s very beginnings

At HERBAROM, we are all driven by values that stimulate our daily lives and make us proud:

Passion & Daring

Exploring all possibilities, capturing developments, imagining and creating opportunities to evolve our activities in the heart of an ecosystem with a bright future.

Respect & Sharing

Preserving nature and the people that surround us, where we strive every day, by proudly sharing our convictions, know-how, difficulties and successes.

Progress & Stringency

Growing by developing the skills of our employees, our operational requirements and our collective ambitions while guaranteeing the development of all.

See yourself in these values and looking for an independent group that wants to change the world on its own scale?

Our mission

To bring together men and women acting with awareness of the impact of their role and that of the company, in its societal, environmental and civic dimensions

Our decisions …

  • must not be guided by profit alone, but most integrate the components of humanism, respect for what surrounds us and limitation of the impact of our industrial activities.
  • must enable us to sustainably manage every resource: financial capacities, skills, access to raw materials and production tools.

Our aim is to create a learning company at the service of …

  • Creators of activities that contribute to the development of our French industrial fabric
  • Schools, training centres and professional networks that train our future employees
  • Agricultural sectors that develop alternative natural solutions to preserve our ecosystem

We are commited to serving as an ambassador of Naturalness, working together to build sustainable plant solutions with the actors in our sector.

Notre démarche ESG

Démarche Environnementale Sociétale et Gouvernance

Depuis toujours le respect de l’environnement fait partie intégrante de notre ADN.

Notre choix de nous impliquer dans une démarche ESG constitue un engagement conforme à nos valeurs.

Il s’agit d’une véritable ambition pour l’ensemble du groupe Herbarom et de nos collaborateurs, avec une vraie volonté de vous y associer en tant que partenaire pour une démarche commune qui soit vertueuse.


We'd love to hear from you. Our sales teams will be delighted to discuss this with you. 

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