HERBAROM, quality and certifications for the success of your project
Quality & Certifications
Avec 30 ans d’expérience dans l’extraction des plantes et la conception de compléments alimentaires, nous avons acquis une véritable maîtrise de nos process de transformation.
Our solutions reflect this quality approach, applied throughout the value chain and beyond.
Natural and organic ingredients
As a specialist in natural ingredients, our ranges are largely made up of certified organic ingredients.
Furthermore, our three production sites have been certified for organic farming.
As a guarantee of quality and traceability, this certification offers yet another way for you to stand out from your competitors and market products that meet your customers' expectations in terms of naturalness.

Applying good manufacturing practices to ensure the safety of your project
In accordance with the regulations, all our production sites apply HACCP approach, for impeccable hygiene, traceability and control.
Our production sites and their specialities
Nos quatre sites de production vous permettent de bénéficier d’une fabrication Made In France pour une plus grande traçabilité de vos produits finis.
Historic Herbarom group site specialising in plant extraction and the manufacture of food supplements in the form of liquid galenicals, in small series or with specific ingredients.

Expert site for the manufacture of food supplements in the form of liquid galenicals, in medium and large series.

GMP pour la fabrication de substances actives.
MONTS (37)
Site expert de la fabrication de compléments alimentaires et produits pharmaceutiques sous forme de galéniques sèches, en moyennes et grandes séries.

Expert site for the manufacture of food supplements and generic drugs in the form of dry galenicals, from small to large series.

Our societal and environmental commitment
Beyond your future solution, we are sincerely committed to men and women acting with awareness of the impact of their role and that of the company, in its societal, environmental and civic dimensions.
Our products are intended to reflect this approach and convey your own values through the solution developed for you.
Ainsi, notre site d’Aouste-sur-Sye est certifié Ecovadis.
We also develop Fair For Life certified ingredient ranges for a fair relationship with our partner farmers.

Our market-specific certifications
In order to meet your challenges and the expectations of your customers, we develop ingredients and solutions with certifications specific to your market
Beauty & Perfume

Agriculture & Nutrition animale

Complément alimentaire & Dispositifs médicaux

Let's build together the solution that meets your quality requirements and the expectations of your market!
Beauty & Perfume
Flavourings & Food
Food Supplements
We would be delighted to hear from you. Our sales teams are available to discuss this with you.