HERBAROM, natural by nature
Naturalness has always been an integral part of our DNA. It is our fundamental raison d'être. We undertake to act every day as a true ambassador of naturalness, working together to build plant solutions with the actors in our sector.
Consumer trends have changed in recent years, whether in the beauty and fragrance, flavouring and food, food-supplement or animal-nutrition markets. The consumer has become more demanding and seeks natural and healthy products, respectful of both their health and the environment. A real return to naturalness!
According to a study carried out by terra’Senso in 2022, consumers associated naturalness with the organic, the natural and the plant.
Their motivations for buying natural products are:
- their health and safety (81%)
- the planet, the environment and the climate (77%)
- ethics, in response to their own values
- taste and quality
The criteria to which they attach the most importance when determining whether or not a product is natural is:
- the ingredient list (75%)
- made-in-France/local production (50%)
- the organic-agriculture label (50%)
This turning point in our attitudes to plants is the result of a real awareness and response to the need to return to our roots, synonymous with authenticity. Customers therefore express new needs, in search of meaning, such as the desire for greater proximity to the agricultural world, traceability and reduced lists of ingredients making up end products …
Naturalness has become a real challenge for agricultural and industrial sectors. The main challenge lies in finding the right balance between preserving the benefits offered by nature and the interventions of man to extract and transform these. Human actions are therefore studied and selected so as to guarantee an end product that is as natural as possible and respectful of its environment.
At HERBAROM, the natural has been an essential for us since our creation in 1994: our raison d'être. It is an integral part of our roots and continues to be reflected, every day, in our corporate strategy.
Quite naturally, naturalness fuels our decision-making and every stage of the life cycle of our products: terroir, cultivation, processing, extraction, promotion and consumption, in order to respect the properties and benefits of the plant. Discover how naturalness inspires our daily work, within the company and with our partners.
Plants at the heart of our DNA
HERBAROM was born from our passion for nature and plants, as well as our belief in their benefits for human, animal and plant health. Plants are at the heart of our DNA.
Whether for its rarity, its history, the tradition linked to it, its properties, its origin, its extraction process or its efficiency, every plant raw material is precious. Our mission is to help you choose the one that makes "sense" for you and your project, while guaranteeing respect for the plant matter and its natural assets.

A close partner for the world of agriculture

Assurer la qualité and pérennité des approvisionnements en plantes, tout en respectant la nature and les hommes qui les cultivent, est un enjeu majeur de notre activité de fournisseur et de créateur de matières naturelles.
Connaître les terroirs où s’épanouissent les plantes recherchées, savoir identifier les biotopes où poussent certaines plantes de cueillette, structurer la filière depuis le champ ou la zone de collecte jusqu’aux unités de distillation ou d’extraction sont autant d’étapes qui exigent des expertises et une organisation.
Autant d’éléments que nous avons appris à maîtriser chez HERBAROM, pour assurer la qualité et la disponibilité de nos matières, tout au long de l’année.
Thanks to close work and the development of crop contracts, we have acquired a unique know-how and created a lasting relationship of trust with our agricultural partners.
It is with pride that we continue to produce our plant extracts and food supplements in France. We are committed to promoting organic farming with our agricultural partners in the Perfume, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants sector, with our roots firmly anchored in Drôme.
Creator of market solutions based on natural ingredients

As a manufacturer of cosmetics, animal nutrition, food supplements or flavourings for food, the growing demand for more natural products, with a simplified ingredients list, renders the creation and development of new solutions imperative.
A true visionary business partner for your projects, we act, alongside you, to create a natural, innovative and sustainable solution.
Thanks our versatility and active monitoring, we have been able to establish ourselves in these four flagship markets, all marked by naturalness :
- Beauty & Fragrance
- Animal Nutrition
- Food Supplements
- Flavourings & Food
Our areas of expertise allow us to efficiently understand the desires and aspirations of consumers, as well as the needs and challenges of our customers.
Standards and quality
Our business only makes sense if we can guarantee products that are both healthy and honest.