Legal Notice

The advertiser is the publisher of this site. Marque[DIGITALE] is the technical service provider.

Name or Company name: HERBAROM LABORATOIRE

Email Address: > Site contact form

Telephone number: 04 75 76 83 16

Trade-registry number: 39428026700037

Registered address: 31 Av. de Lautagne, 26000 Valence

Editorial and publishing director: Luc Ardouvin

Hosting is provided by OVH Headquarters: 2 Rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix –France

Privacy Policy

Personal data

Our site does not require personal registration from its visitors and does not make any personal registration for the simple consultation of its pages. However, in some cases (sharing features and social modules, contact forms, participation in a contest, online payment, etc.), you may be asked to provide personal data (surnames, first names, phone numbers, postal addresses, email address, etc.). An asterisk will indicate whether the data is mandatory or optional during collection. If necessary, the collection form may be accompanied by a checkbox allowing you to accept or refuse the use of your data for commercial purposes on behalf of third parties, and/or its transfer to third parties. We do not collect any sensitive data, namely any data relating to your racial or ethnic origins, your political, philosophical or religious opinions or your trade-union membership, nor any relating to your health or sex life. In addition, when consulting our website, we collect and process data relating to your browsing (including cookies, your IP address, the pages you have viewed and the searches you have made), and your device (type of browser used, model and version of your operating system, resolution of your screen, presence of certain plug-ins, etc.). We will also carry out an approximate geolocation of your home city. This data will be used, on the one hand, to compile statistics on the use of our site in order to make it more relevant, to identify companies interested in our products, and to offer you advertising both on and off our site relating to your interests and, possibly, your town or city.


See the dedicated page provided in the site's cookie-manager window.

Data recipients

The recipient of the data collected from our site is the company HERBAROM.

Your rights

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 as amended by the Act of 6 August 2004, you have rights of access, rectification and objection over the personal data concerning you. You can exercise these rights:1. With regard to the data collected through the contact form: the rights can be exercised directly before us. You can also consult our information page specific to cookies in order to refuse the deposit of cookies when you browse our site, should you wish to.

Intellectual-property rights

The content of this site (including but not limited to information, corporate names, trademarks, logos, variety names, designs, slogans or more generally any distinctive signs, texts, graphics, data, images, photographs, visuals, database, shapes, the site itself and all these elements) is protected under intellectual-property law.

Any use and/or reproduction and/or representation of said corporate names, trademarks, logos, variety names, designs, slogans or more generally any distinctive signs, texts, graphics, data, images, photographs, visuals, database, shapes, the site itself and all these elements which can be consulted on the website, is strictly prohibited, except in the case of prior written authorisation from HERBAROM.

Any copying, printing, reproduction, representation, adaptation, use, alteration, translation or full or partial dissemination of the content of this site, by any means whatsoever, is unlawful and would constitute an act of forgery – with the exception of a private copy reserved solely for the private use of the person making said copy – and/or an act of unfair competition and/or an act of parasitism, as defined by the applicable legislation or regulations.

The creation or use of hypertext links to one or more pages of the site or to any of its elements is prohibited, except in the case of prior written authorisation from HERBAROM.

This site contains hypertext links to other sites. HERBAROM may not be held liable for the content of the sites to which it refers and/or points and the use that may be made by users thereof.

Site Accessibility/Liability

All information and documents accessible via this site are provided "as is" and "without prejudice". HERBAROM makes no guarantees, neither express nor implied, and assumes no liability for the use of this information. HERBAROM is not responsible for inaccuracies, errors, omissions and partial information contained on this site. HERBAROM reserves the right to modify or correct the content of its site at any time. The user uses the data and information contained on the site under their sole and entire liability.

HERBAROM strives to keep this site accessible, but is under no obligation to do so. Access to all or part of this site may be modified, suspended or even interrupted in the event of maintenance, updating, and for any other reason, upon the simple decision of HERBAROM, in particular of a technical or legal nature.

In no event shall HERBAROM be held liable for any such modifications, suspensions, or even interruptions, nor for direct or indirect damages, losses and damages of any kind whatsoever, resulting from access to or use of this site or any information obtained from this site. All information, texts, presentations, documents and photographs available on this site are not contractual and are provided as an indication only.

Furthermore, HERBAROM may not be held liable for any damage resulting from the infection of users' computer equipment by a virus or other computer infections. It is their responsibility to take all necessary measures to protect against viruses when accessing the site or downloading documents from this site.

Applicable law

This site and its conditions of use are subject exclusively to French law. Any dispute relating to this site and the legal notice will be brought exclusively before the competent courts in whose jurisdiction the registered office is located.

